Thursday, December 26, 2019
Stanley Milgram s Study On The Perspective Of Humanity
In Bridgeport, Massachusetts a social psychologist performed an experiment that would alter our perspective of humanity. Stanley Milgram was studying obedience following WWII. With a Jewish background and an education in social psychology, he wanted to explore the obedience of German people. He thought the atrocities committed during WWII could be attributed to a highly obedient country and culture. Milgram would soon come to realize obedience is an integral part of human nature. Milgram theorized that if a person was asked to shock another person within an experiment, they would quit before reaching high voltages. The three roles in his experiment would be the learner, the experimenter, and the teacher; the subject of Milgram’s study was†¦show more content†¦The experimenter and subject were situated together in an adjoining room. In my opinion, whoever is in the room with you will have the most influence over you. I assume that the physical presence of the experimenter in the same room as the subject had more impact when compared to the detached voice of the learner in a separate room. I can only wonder whether the results would be different if the subject had to see the learner as they were â€Å"shocked†. This is comparable to the way people freely express profanity towards other individuals on the internet, but would never cause harm to another person when brought face to face. Aggression protected by anonymity or even physical det achment is timeless. It can alter the dynamics of any interaction. I also wonder if it was clear that the subject could leave if uncomfortable. The prompts from the experimenter were meant to test obedience of the subject. But within a scientific experiment, I believe it may have limited the subjects’ freedom to leave at their own will. I am also curious to know whether people would rebel more freely, when tested in a group setting. I feel as though data collected on obedience of a group under authority would be more applicable to reality. I consider what decisions I would make as the subject, and I honestly think that I would fall into the majority who carried out the whole experiment. Part of my willingness to follow the procedure would be based on my trust in scientists and the scientificShow MoreRelatedKnowledge, Obedience and the Physical World1269 Words  | 5 Pagesquestions since what was once believed may utterly change with time, and therefore have an impact on humanity. Two areas of knowledge that can show that knowledge that was one accepted can be discarded afterwards, or that it may be replaced by different movements and approaches, are in my opinion Psychology as a human science and Physics as a natural science. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Major Features of the Ontological Argument for the...
The Major Features of the Ontological Argument for the Existence of God The ontological argument for the existence of God was originally set out in eleventh century by St. Anselm in his Proslogian. Anselm was a Benedictine monk, Archbishop of Canterbury, and one of the great medieval theologians. It has received a lot of both support and criticism from leaning philosophers. The argument is appeals to those who already believe in the existence of God than to an atheist. The argument is entirely a priori; it seeks to demonstrate that God exists on the basis of that concept alone, and show existence as an attribute/characteristic of God, in the same way omnipotence and benevolence are considered to†¦show more content†¦So according to Anslem it is self-contradictory to conceive of something than which nothing greater can be thought and yet to deny that that something exists. The second stage is the idea that it is illogical to think God does not exist. This idea is that because the highest possible thought of God is the He exists, thus his exist ence is impossible. This is the concept of necessary existence, God cannot not exist, and something which has necessary existence is something that exists in all possible worlds. God is perceived to have necessary existence because God is eternal and created the world and He is not limited by time, as He is outside of it. Thus God must exist in reality. Later in the 17th century Descartes developed the argument further, he used his form of the ontological argument to be a part of his argument that the external world exists. Descartes viewed God as a supremely perfect being, possessing all perfections, which includes existence and thus God has to exist. Descartes argue that an object had to posses certain qualities or else it could not be considered to be an object, for example, triangles angles must add up to 180 degrees. In the same way thus existence cannot be separated from the idea of God. In the 20th Century there have been two main philosophers who have worked noteably on the Ontological Argument, Norman Malcolm and Alvin Plantinga. MalcolmsShow MoreRelatedTwo Philosophical Arguments for the Existence of God1460 Words  | 6 Pagesto Compare and evaluate two philosophical arguments for the existence of God. Throughout the course of this essay we shall examine two of the major philosophical arguments for the existence of God. The arguments that we are going to focus on shall be the Design argument and the Ontological argument. We shall compare, evaluate and discuss both the Design (or teleological) argument for the existence of God and the Ontological Argument for the existence of God, as well as highlighting philosophical criticismsRead MoreDoes God Exist? Essay1972 Words  | 8 Pagesor not God exists. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Industry Engagement for Teamwork and Collaboration- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theIndustry Engagement for Teamwork and Collaboration. Answer: The following discussion is a mid-placement report on the internship as a bookkeeper. The mid-placement report addresses the teamwork, collaboration, problem solving skills, decision-making, awareness and motivation by the mentor at the workplace. The bookkeeper comes across a variety of clients of the different business entities, various segments at the market and a number of business setups to comprehend and produce the work for. The bookkeeper faces the challenge to recognize the essential business operation of every client. The bookkeeper has to ensure that there is accuracy in the process of the payroll and, record the account of the transactions that are being paid, report the accounts received by the transactions, producing the financial reports and maintaining the balance sheets (Smith, 2014). The internship program is of the bookkeeper. In the midway, the intern bookkeeper is dynamic and qualified at his work. The intern has gained a widespread knowledge f the accounting principles, the policies of taxation, and the procedures that are related to the income tax. The primary strengths that are gained during the internship programme are planning, the ability to solve problems and customer relations (Soudijn, 2012). There has been a familiarity with the financial reconciliations and regulatory reporting. Teamwork The bookkeeper intern has learned to strike and maintain a balance between keeping the books and managing the business of the client. The intern becomes a dedicated keeper of the books and ensures a healthy flow of the financial record keeping. The intern learns to work in a quite environment with a flow in the work that is being done (Monga, 2015). The intern learns to rely on the various communication strategies and methods that are digital. This helps them to nurture their communication skills. The intern learns to work under flexible environments. Collaboration The bookkeeper intern learns to acquire the important documents that are necessary for the client. The acquiring of these important documents is a difficult task. The intern learns the process of collaboration. The new files appear for the bookkeeper and have to be reviewed by him. The use of the document viewer allows the bookkeeper to input the applicable information in the accounting part. The document viewer also allows the assigning of the relevant notes about the clients that enhances the collaboration with the customers and the clients, which allows the easy retrieval of these documents later (Miley Read, 2012). The bookkeeper learns the process of auditing the necessary financial reports. The digital copies that are available are useful for the bookkeeper as there is the movement towards the process of digitalization. The bookkeeper becomes efficient and gains the ability to upload a file easily, search for the documents and focus on the business while concentrating on the m atter of keeping the books updated. Problem Solving The intern during the internship learns to develop a positive attitude skill. This skill is utilized for the issue of accounting. The accounting problems are solved with the help of analysis and collection of information relating to it. The intern takes guidance for solving these problems relating to accounting. The intern learns to develop efficient skills in the process of decision-making. The bookkeeper learns to develop a clear way for communicating the issues of the client. They are the source of the additional work that the client states (Martin et al., 2016). Decision Making The intern of bookkeeping understands the management of the process of decision-making. The intern understands the cost of the sales and the sales of each of the products and service of the client. The calculation of the cost of the sales is learned in the internship program. The taxes that are collected and can be paid also require calculations to be performed. The bookkeeper if is tagged by the tax department then has to go ahead with the decision making process along with the accountant. The bookkeeper learns to understand the financial reports and setting up the management of the tools for decision-making. The intern learns to review the financial report regularly and on time (Junqueira, Kelly Reed, 2013). The intern also learns to manage the spreadsheets for the financial reports of their clients and customers. The managing of the cash flow statements and keeping them updated is the responsibility of the bookkeeper. This is a device for the purpose of reference. The intern also learns to curb the overhead expenses keeping in mind the sale, non-sale and the production of the cost of the staff. Awareness The intern has learnt the application of the BAS services. The intern also gets a relevant bookkeeping experience from the internship program. The training is well and hence the role of the experience is better. The bookkeeper is qualified is able to cope up with the workload in spite of the high hourly rates. The bookkeeper is not afraid to ask the relevant questions to the clients. The bookkeeper learns to be reliable and is aware of not sharing the account related information with everyone (Costas et al., 2013). He manages a three-way communication between the organization, the accountant and the client. They become invaluable and important for the processing of the information of the financial reports of the respective clients. The role of a bookkeeper is important to keep the track of the financial statements of the customers and the clients. They become aware of the analysis of the information that is relevant o the clients. They perform the basic function along with the accoun tants that adds meaning to the financial analysis and reporting. This leads to the success of a business due to the sufficient awareness of the cost savings. Motivation The profession of bookkeeping serves as a vital economic function. The intern of bookkeeper has learnt the process of self-motivation (Chen et al., 2012). He has learned to set the target goals for achieving of the desired goals and results. The monitoring of the balance of the revenue and the expenses of the business of the clients is necessary. This will allow offering of advice to the respective clients. They have to mentor the reporting of the correct databases to the business manager. References Chen, C. C., Jones, K. T., Scarlata, A. N., Stone, D. N. (2012). Does the Holland model of occupational choice (HMOC) perpetuate the Beancounter-Bookkeeper (BB) stereotype of accountants?.Critical Perspectives on Accounting,23(4), 370-389. Costas, J., Ekman, S., Maravelias, C., Spoelstra, S. (2013). Roundtable: Free work.Ephemera,13(1), 11. Junqueira, F. P., Kelly, I., Reed, B. (2013). Durability with bookkeeper.ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review,47(1), 9-15. Martin, G. E., Danzig, A. B., Wright, W. F., Flanary, R. A., Orr, M. T. (2016).School leader internship: Developing, monitoring, and evaluating your leadership experience. Routledge. Miley, F., Read, A. (2012). Jokes in popular culture: the characterisation of the accountant.Accounting, Auditing Accountability Journal,25(4), 703-718. Monga, V. I. P. A. L. (2015). The new bookkeeper is a robot.Wall Street Journal,5, 5-15. Smith, G. S. (2014). The Accountant Stereotype: Positive or Negative?. Soudijn, M. R. (2012). Removing excuses in money laundering.Trends in Organized Crime,15(2-3), 146-163.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Janes experience in Lowood School is representative of life in Victorian England Essay Example
Janes experience in Lowood School is representative of life in Victorian England Paper Jane Eyre is a novel by Charlotte Bronte, set in the Victorian Era. It was during this time that the industrial revolution, in Great Britain, began. The Victorian period was the beginning of a severe system of labour. During this time power and money overran society. It was a phase of family unity, and principles. The Victorian age was dirty and unhygienic. The poor were disadvantaged and the rich had power. This was obvious and common in every aspect of life in the Victorian cities. The conditions were unsanitary and the life expectancy was very low compared to todays standards. Disease was everywhere and everyone was vulnerable to it especially the poor. The writers in those days, like Charlotte Bronte and Charles Dickens, were interested in showing people the injustices of the nation during this time, especially towards children. Children were neglected and uncared for. Most were treated this way; those who werent were rich. Some children got no education at all and had to work in a factory to stay alive. Ironically this factory work would most likely be the cause of their death. Others went to workhouses were they got accommodation or food, but they to had to work. We will write a custom essay sample on Janes experience in Lowood School is representative of life in Victorian England specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Janes experience in Lowood School is representative of life in Victorian England specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Janes experience in Lowood School is representative of life in Victorian England specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Those who were orphans were most unlucky. They had no place in society, they were poor but they had no class, they were more like animals, who could be farmed and used for others prosperity and benefit. Jane Eyre is an orphan she lives at her uncles estate, Gateshead. Her uncle however is dead and she lives with his wife, Mrs Reed. Even the name Gateshead suggests that she is trapped, it is uninviting. Jane is not considered a member of the family; her position is less than a maid. The reason for this is because she is poor and an orphan. She is a charity case. John Reed, heir to the estate and Gateshead, calls her a dependant. Jane lives in a male dominated environment, another social injustice in the Victorian society. Jane is courageous, through all of her abuse she always manages to stick up for herself. Jane longs for peace and freedom to be her own person. Jane is bright and imaginative. She knows that she is being mistreated, she refuses to accept this however and it lands her in trouble on many occasions, like when she is put in the Red Room. The Red Room is the room in which Mr Reed, Janes uncle, died. It is symbolic of terror, and her imagination suffers because of this history. Jane feels frightened in the room and wants to escape, she wants to get out of the room, and out of the house. Bronte makes us aware of Janes circumstances too. We feel sorry for Jane and her situation. Jane is misfortunate; her ill treatment is not really her own fault. After she faints she wakes up in the nursery, Mr Lloyd is there. He is the apothecary. He shows sympathy and affection. Jane feels relief protection and security. It is ironic that she should feel protected and safe with a total stranger. Kindness only came from a stranger someone who is not a part of Gateshead. Jane is very honest; this is evident when she speaks of poverty. She associates poverty with the workhouses and the dispossessed. Her views are those of a child. Jane likes the idea of a school and sees it as a chance to escape Gateshead. Soon after we learn that Bessie pities Jane, Abbot disagrees and says she is not so be pitied because she has no physical attractiveness. Jane is considered troublesome, wicked and iniquitous. As Christmas approaches, Jane is further abandoned. She is left alone in the nursery with her doll whilst all the festivities go on in the floors below her. This image produces compassion on our behalf. Christmas is a time of family unity and togetherness. Yet, Jane is left alone, without family, without love. When Jane is first introduced to Mr. Brocklehurst, Bronte uses phallic symbolism to describe him. She calls him a black pillar, standing erect. This is to create a sense of male supremacy. Mr Brocklehurst is head of Lowood Institution. The very name of the school Institution is daunting. It is not Lowood Academy or Lowood School for Girls it is an institution. This make me think of a prison or hospital, when in fact it is a place of learning and also youth. It is a harsh school, the girls femininity is kept to a minimum, because it is seen as shameful to be a feminine. Jane is to be sent there. Mr Brocklehurst has a grim face and is illustrated as a grotesque figure. He is like a figure from a nightmare or a villain from a fairytale. He has bushy brows, a great nose and prominent teeth. This makes me think of Little Red Riding Hood, with Mr Brocklehurst as the wolf. He is emotionless; his face is like a mask. Mr. Brocklehurst is later uncovered as a hypocrite; he dresses the pupils plainly, and cuts off their hair so as to conceal there womanhood. But when his children visit the school they have an abundance of curls, jewellery and wear luxurious clothing. Mrs Reed Calls Jane an artful, noxious child. She wants Jane to be kept humble, that she will always remember to keep her poor station in life, that she will always feel inferior. Jane already feels inferior, but she overcomes this and demonstrates courage when Mr Brocklehurst confronts her. He tries to use Christianity and its teaching methods for his own benefit. Really it is he who needs revision of the good will in the Christian Bible. He uses Christianity to humiliate the girls at his school. Jane defends herself, she feels misrepresented by Mrs Reed, and misinterpreted by Mr. Brocklehurst. She becomes very passionate you think I have no feelings, and that I can do without one bit of love or kindness: but I cannot live so. We sympathise with Jane, when her feelings are unleashed. Before Jane leaves for Lowood, Bessie confronts her telling her that she has been unjustly treated in the company of the Reeds. She also tells Jane that she is fonder of her than any of the others. Because of this honesty Jane is lapsed with peace and harmony. Mr Brocklehurst visit is not unlike the visit of Mr Bumble in Oliver Twist. Mr Brocklehurst is like Mr Bumble. He is the parish beadle, and a man of authority, however he considers himself to be a higher influence than he really is. He is a fat man and is ill tempered. He has no patience; he bangs his cane off the ground. In the rare event that he does respond to Mrs. Mann it is often with bitterness. When Mr. Bumble visits the home of Oliver Twist it is not a social call. He wishes to take Oliver to the workhouse. Like Jane Olivers youth has been lived for him, neither of them had a joyful youth, and they never got the chance to make their own decisions. This is an example of injustice in Victorian society, orphan children had no say in their own lives, and they had little or no opportunities to make a better life for themselves. Like Mrs. Reed Mrs. Mann appears to be a welcoming woman, kind and humane. But we know that she is not loving or considerate, and that she neglects the children to the point of death. Both Mrs. Reed and Mrs Mann blame their inhabitants for all wrong doings. Mrs Reed criticises Jane incessantly, Jane is a scapegoat. Oliver is neglected; Mrs Mann uses the money received to take care of the boys in the orphanage to her own advantage. Dickens uses caricature, and also irony, to exaggerate his characters by emphasizing certain personal qualities to produce a ridiculous effect. Dickens uses caricature not just to overstate what is on the surface, but also to resemble what was in the very inside of British civilization during this time. This effect is a way to remind us of how exceptional each person is. For example Mrs. Mann is a highly ironic character. Mr. Bumble commends her on how humane she is truthfully she is wicked. Mr. Bumble is also ironic, she acts like he is of extravagant importance, but he is just a minor, a messenger. Mr. Bumbles size suggests his ego. To bumble is to move awkwardly. Bumble suggests to me a lack of skill, this creates an image of a blundering fool. He gets frustrated when he cant open the gate, and then proceeds to place the blame on Mrs. Mann. The very name Mrs. Mann is paradoxical; she is hardly womanly at all. She is not maternal, nor motherly towards the children. She locks them in the basement and doesnt feed or clothe them properly. She is only interested in one thing and one thing only, herself. There arent any truthfully kind words of tenderness from this benevolent protectress. She is a figure of disgust, a despicable woman, resembling the low, degrading decadents of the social order at this time. By using caricature, irony, and humour in his stories we are entertained, but underneath this is the demoralizing truth of social inequality at this time. Lowood and the Workhouse are also alike. They are strict and enforce firm rules. They punish and humiliate the boys and girls for simple unnecessary reasons, and order them around like and army. The schools are run down pupils receive very little food or medical attention. They are unhygienic and disease spreads rapidly around the vulnerable children. Administers in both places have enough money to ensure that the places are not dilapidated and unhygienic but instead they immorally use the money for their own prosperity. One of Emily Brontes most dominant image patterns is the use of the traditional elements earth, fire, water, and air. Atmosphere plays a significant role in the novel. The pun of the name Eyre is suggestive of passion. Jane like the air is a wanderer, she is spiritual. Use of pathetic fallacy reflects Janes mood. During Janes journey to the Institution the weather is wet, windy, and has a hostile element. This emphasises Janes isolation. The symbolic landscape and foreboding weather, during her journey, sets the mood. On the day she leaves Gateshead it is a raw and chill morning. The weather does not predict a bright future for Jane. As the carriage nears the School they descended a valley, dark with wood. Lowood is concealed, by darkness. As Jane enters she calls it a cold, dimly lit school. When things are pessimistic for Jane, the weather and landscape is usually in the same style, dull and gloomy, like Janes journey to Lowood. When things appear hopeful the weather does to. For example the coming of spring in Lowood, her adjustment to the school and the promise of hope and renewal is reflected in the season. It is described as a metaphor for the awakening of the young girls life and maturity, And now vegetation matured with vigor; Lowood shook loose its tresses; it became all green and flowery. Bronte highlights the appalling conditions the girls have to endure. Even the food is insufficient and bland, a nauseous mess. The school sounds like misery, even the garden is depressing, and instead of being bright and beautiful it is dismal and uninviting. The uniform is unappealing; it encloses their bodies, so as not to reveal their femininity. The place is cold, empty, and lifeless, as though no one is even there. The girls are lifeless too. They are just bodies, there is no life inside them; none that we can see anyhow. The life is drained out of them, like in Hard Times the life and imagination is grinded out of the pupils. It seems like there is nothing to look forward at the school what so ever. When we are introduced to Mr Brocklehurst again, we realise that Jane is not the only one to despise him; everyone else in the school does too. Mr Brocklehurst wants to mortify in them the lust of the flesh, and to teach them to clothe themselves with shamefacedness and sobriety. Here he demonstrates hypocrisy, because the money he starves the student of is used to make his own girls more beautiful. They enter, splendidly attired in velvet, silk and furs. They can look as feminine as they want. The students are still and quiet, as Jane observes, the 80 girls sat motionless and erect. They are oppressed by the system. Their plain locks highlights the solemn nature of the girls, and furthermore that beauty is considered shameful. Mr Brocklehurst wants the girls to be without an identity, as in Hard Times the students are called by number, like an army. The students at both schools are plain and purposeful. They are not pretty or fancy. They are not to be accustomed to habits of luxury and indulgence, but to render hardy patient, self denying. In Lowood, the teacher Mrs Temple reminds me of Mr Lloyd. Mrs Temple represents all the good that is lost in the school. She is described as tall, fair and shapely: with a benignant light. She is a contrast to the murky and disheartening school. She shows kindness and caring to the pupils when she provides them with extra food when she sees the inadequate lunch served to them. It is in the garden that Jane meets Helen Burns. Helen is studious and a strong character. She victimised by the teachers. Unlike Jane, Helen doesnt stand up for herself; Helen takes the insults thrown at her by the teachers. She is never praised, nor shown pity. Helen is a victim of the system at Lowood. She accepts her punishments and humiliation with dignity, composed though grave she stood. Jane does not understand Helens stoic acceptance. Jane is passionate, and determined. Helen believes that she should not worry about the unkind attitude the teachers possess, she says, I live in calm looking to the end. Helens words have hidden implications; she is trying to tell Jane her life is drawing to and end. Jane and Helen are similar in many ways. Both are honest, and speak their minds. Yet they are also a contrast to each other as well. Where Jane is emotional and fervent, Helen can hold her feelings, she is rational. Where Jane longs to be adored and admired, Helen tells her you think too much of the love off human beings. Helen is wilful, she thinks logically. I believe Helen is an inspirational character, though she is very young she is incredibly mature. Helen is not a victim her quiet and dignified courage rises above the hardship of Lowood. She cannot be degraded. She is so much more than any of them. She is an example to Jane. Jane is fearful of Mr Brocklehurst. She awaits the day the day the Coming Man arrives. Bronte creates anticipation during this episode. As he enters Lowood the pupils and staff rose unmass, highlighting his dominant superiority. He is like the daunting figure we met before. He is the sole male figure in a female environment. He abuses his power and position. Jane dreads his presence. She is nervous at the very thought of him. She tries to hide her face, so he doesnt see her, but her plan fails and she drops her slate. She says, I was paralysed. Mr Brocklehurst intentionally humiliates Jane; she is mortified I knew it was all over now. Mr Brocklehurst calls her a careless girl. He calls her forward and orders her to stand on a tall stool. He directs harsh insults at her, servant to the Evil One and a little castaway and interloper and an alien. He demands that no one talks to Jane, to avoid her company, to exclude her. He calls her a sinner and lair. He tells those in the hall that he received the information off her benefactress, a pious and charitable lady. The information is false Mrs Reed is anything but a pious and charitable lady. When Helen smiles at her it gives her comfort, reassurance, and hope. Helen has the aspect of an angel. It is because of this gesture that Jane gains maturity. She becomes so much more understanding, following this. Mr Brocklehurst and Mr Gradgrind are alike. Both are idealistic, both believe in hard discipline. Mr Bumble is also very like Mr Brocklehust. He believes in Christian values and teachings. They are both hypocrites. Mr Brocklehurst tells the student that he believes in denying ones self, he says he does not want them to be accustomed to luxuries, and comforts, so they can become disciplined, and hard. However his daughters enter the scene in velvet, silk and furs. Mr Bumble does not care about the children or how Mrs Mann treats them. He is an egotistical man. He only cares about himself and his money, as does Mrs Mann. The authors I have studied, Charlotte Bronte and Charles Dickens document the unrighteousness of the Victorian period. In my opinion, people only cared about money. I believe this is the basis for cruelty in those days. People wanted money and would abuse every system to get money. It was an unjust time to live in, and especially to grow up in. Charles Dickens wants to inform the readers of the future all about the hard times that people endured. He wants to let them know all about the children like Oliver Twist, and their lives. Though it is fiction, it is a representation of reality. Dickens uses humour in his books to make them interesting and easily readable. He wants to shock the reader, and this would inform them all about the world he lived in. Hard Times is a moral Fable, it entertains but at the same time it educates us of the dangers and brutality in this society. Charlotte Bronte uses first person narrative, to get us closer with the character. She uses it to make us sympathise with Jane. Though not as informative as Dickens, it is very interesting. She draws us closer to the character of Jane, whereas Dickens wants to inform us about the society. Bronte wants to create a story, while Dickens also wishes to illustrate the ruthless reality of the time. The Victorian Era was a cruel time. The wool was pulled over peoples eyes. People gave false representations of themselves and others, like Mrs Reed and Mrs Mann. Children were the unluckiest of everyone children were victimised, neglected, and abused. Not necessarily the case for the rich but, mainly the poor, and especially orphans. As Jane says poverty looks grim to grown people: still more so to children.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Exponential Functions - How to Find the Starting Value
Exponential Functions - How to Find the Starting Value Exponential functions tell the stories of explosive change. The two types of exponential functions are exponential growth and exponential decay. Four variables - percent change, time, the amount at the beginning of the time period, and the amount at the end of the time period - play roles in exponential functions. This article focuses on how to find the amount at the beginning of the time period, a. Exponential Growth Exponential growth: the change that occurs when an original amount is increased by a consistent rate over a period of time Exponential Growth in Real Life: Values of home pricesValues of investmentsIncreased membership of a popular social networking site Heres an exponential growth function: y a(1 b)x y: Final amount remaining over a period of timea: The original amountx: TimeThe growth factor is (1 b).The variable, b, is percent change in decimal form. Exponential Decay Exponential decay: the change that occurs when an original amount is reduced by a consistent rate over a period of time Exponential Decay in Real Life: Decline of Newspaper ReadershipDecline of strokes in the U.S.Number of people remaining in a hurricane-stricken city Heres an exponential decay function: y a(1-b)x y: Final amount remaining after the decay over a period of timea: The original amountx: TimeThe decay factor is (1-b).The variable, b, is percent decrease in decimal form. Purpose of Finding the Original Amount Six years from now, perhaps you want to pursue an undergraduate degree at Dream University. With a $120,000 price tag, Dream University evokes financial night terrors. After sleepless nights, you, Mom, and Dad meet with a financial planner. Your parents bloodshot eyes clear up when the planner reveals an investment with an 8% growth rate that can help your family reach the $120,000 target. Study hard. If you and your parents invest $75,620.36 today, then Dream University will become your reality. How to Solve for the Original Amount of an Exponential Function This function describes the exponential growth of the investment: 120,000 a(1 .08)6 120,000: Final amount remaining after 6 years.08: Yearly growth rate6: The number of years for the investment to growa: The initial amount that your family invested Hint: Thanks to the symmetric property of equality, 120,000 a(1 .08)6 is the same as a(1 .08)6 120,000. (Symmetric property of equality: If 10 5 15, then 15 10 5.) If you prefer to rewrite the equation with the constant, 120,000, on the right of the equation, then do so. a(1 .08)6 120,000 Granted, the equation doesnt look like a linear equation (6a $120,000), but its solvable. Stick with it! a(1 .08)6 120,000 Be careful: Do not solve this exponential equation by dividing 120,000 by 6. Its a tempting math no-no. 1. Use Order of Operations to simplify. a(1 .08)6 120,000 a(1.08)6 120,000 (Parenthesis) a(1.586874323) 120,000 (Exponent) 2. Solve by Dividing a(1.586874323) 120,000 a(1.586874323)/(1.586874323) 120,000/(1.586874323) 1a 75,620.35523 a 75,620.35523 The original amount, or the amount that your family should invest, is approximately $75,620.36. 3. Freeze -youre not done yet. Use order of operations to check your answer. 120,000 a(1 .08)6 120,000 75,620.35523(1 .08)6 120,000 75,620.35523(1.08)6 (Parenthesis) 120,000 75,620.35523(1.586874323) (Exponent) 120,000 120,000 (Multiplication) Practice Exercises: Answers and Explanations Here are examples of how to solve for the original amount, given the exponential function: 84 a(1.31)7Use Order of Operations to simplify.84 a(1.31)7 (Parenthesis) 84 a(6.620626219) (Exponent)Divide to solve.84/6.620626219 a(6.620626219)/6.62062621912.68762157 1a12.68762157 aUse Order of Operations to check your answer.84 12.68762157(1.31)7 (Parenthesis)84 12.68762157(6.620626219) (Exponent)84 84 (Multiplication)a(1 -.65)3 56Use Order of Operations to simplify.a(.35)3 56 (Parenthesis)a(.042875) 56 (Exponent)Divide to solve.a(.042875)/.042875 56/.042875a 1,306.122449Use Order of Operations to check your answer.a(1 -.65)3 561,306.122449(.35)3 56 (Parenthesis)1,306.122449(.042875) 56 (Exponent)56 56 (Multiply)a(1 .10)5 100,000Use Order of Operations to simplify.a(1.10)5 100,000 (Parenthesis)a(1.61051) 100,000 (Exponent)Divide to solve.a(1.61051)/1.61051 100,000/1.61051a 62,092.13231Use Order of Operations to check your answer.62,092.13231(1 .10)5 100,00062,092.13231(1.10)5 100,000 (Parenthesis)62,092.13231(1.61051) 100,000 (Exponent)100,000 100,00 0 (Multiply) 8,200 a(1.20)15Use Order of Operations to simplify.8,200 a(1.20)15 (Exponent)8,200 a(15.40702157)Divide to solve.8,200/15.40702157 a(15.40702157)/15.40702157532.2248665 1a532.2248665 aUse Order of Operations to check your answer.8,200 532.2248665(1.20)158,200 532.2248665(15.40702157) (Exponent)8,200 8200 (Well, 8,199.9999...Just a bit of a rounding error.) (Multiply.)a(1 -.33)2 1,000Use Order of Operations to simplify.a(.67)2 1,000 (Parenthesis)a(.4489) 1,000 (Exponent)Divide to solve.a(.4489)/.4489 1,000/.44891a 2,227.667632a 2,227.667632Use Order of Operations to check your answer.2,227.667632(1 -.33)2 1,0002,227.667632(.67)2 1,000 (Parenthesis)2,227.667632(.4489) 1,000 (Exponent)1,000 1,000 (Multiply)a(.25)4 750Use Order of Operations to simplify.a(.00390625) 750 (Exponent)Divide to solve.a(.00390625)/00390625 750/.003906251a 192,000a 192,000Use Order of Operations to check your answer.192,000(.25)4 750192,000(.00390625) 750750 750
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Should You Retake the SAT or ACT 3-Step Process
Should You Retake the SAT or ACT 3-Step Process SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips At long last, you get your SAT or ACT scores back, and now you have to make an important decision- do you retake the test and aim for a higher score? What are your chances of improving your score? The answer can get complicated, depending on how many times you've taken it before and what your score target is. Read on to develop the best testing plan for yourself.The decision on whether you should retake the ACT or SAT depends on two main questions: What is your target score? How likely are you to improve your score on the next test? We'll tackle each question one at a time. What's Your SAT/ACT Target Score? Long before you take the SAT or ACT, you should have an exact target score in mind. This score is based entirely on the colleges that you are planning to apply to. It's not the score that other people say you should get. It's not the score that sounds right. This score is mathematically determined by researching the colleges you want to apply to. If you don't calculate this score, you'll be led astray from the study plan that's best for you. You might think a great score is out of reach, or you might be complacent about a lower than average score. Click the following links to download a free guide to calculating your target score. Exclusive Free Bonus: Downloada free step-by-step guide on finding your personal SAT score target or ACT score target. Once you go through these steps, you'll know exactly what score you need to aim for. Don't delay - this is one of the most important steps of SAT/ACT prep. Once you have your target score, compare your score with this target score. How likely are you to improve your score to this level? Here's a set of very general guidelines from my personal experience with thousands of students (we'll be using the 1600 scale of the new SAT): SAT Score ACT Score What do I need to do to get this improvement? Difficulty +0-50 +0-1 Some prep before the test. You might achieve this score improvement just by retaking the test if you did especially poorly last time. Not too hard, especially if you've taken the test just once +50-160 +1-4 Serious prep on a dedicated schedule. You'll need a smart system to figure out where your weaknesses lie and how to improve them. You won't be able to achieve this just through sheer effort. Possible with hard work and smart studying +160-260 +4-7 Very serious prep. You have some major gaps to fill before you start mastering the test. You will benefit from a personal tutor who can spot your weaknesses and teach you strategies. Possible with serious dedication, time, and a great study plan +260-400 +7-10 Dedicated prep for an extended period of time. You will most likely need an excellent 1-on-1 tutor who can teach you the fundamentals and make sure you stay committed. Difficult, but possible for the very motivated. 400+ 10+ Nearly re-education. You have major content gaps from school and need to be taught fundamental content. You'll need hundreds of hours of work. Very difficult. Re-evaluate your target colleges if possible. (if you're using the 2400 scale of the Old SAT, then just multiply each of the range values by 1.5) These are general guidelines and depend heavily on your exact situation. As we'll soon explain, the more you've prepped and the more tests you've taken up to this point, the harder it is to improve your score from here on. If you've taken the test 5 times and prepped hard, improving your test score on the 6th test by 100 points will be difficult. You'll need a completely different approach from you've already tried to make any improvements from this point forward. If you've taken the test several times by this point, you might be worried that colleges will look down on your many test entries. This is a common myth that we're going to bust right now. Myth: Colleges Care How Many Times You've Taken the SAT/ACT. Not true! You might have heard the idea that when colleges see your SAT/ACT scores, they take into account how many tests you've taken. If you've taken 10 tests, they'll wonder what's wrong with you, especially if you don't improve from test to test. The reason this myth exists is that this used to be true. Back in the old days (before 2009), if you took the SAT and applied to college, the College Board always required you to send ALL your scores to every college. If you took the test too many times and didn't improve, the school might potentially look down on this. This system has totally changed.The SAT now uses a system called Score Choice. For the majority of schools, you can choose which test dates you want to report to the school. They'll either take your highest test score in a single setting, or your highest section score from all the tests you send (creating your Superscore). See for yourself: the College Board has a list of over 1,500 colleges and their Score Choice participation. The majority of schools participate in Score Choice, where you can choose which test scores you send. Those that don't are marked by "All Scores" - they require you to send all your scores from the College Board. Notable "All Scores" institutions are the CUNY system and University of California. But even for these "All Scores" institutions, they won't care all that much about your other test scores. All they want to see is your highest test score, because that's all that actually matters to them. Take it straight from the University of California itself, which requires All Scores sent: "For the SAT Reasoning Test, we will focus on the highest total score from a single test date." What about the ACT? The ACT has never required you to submit all your test scores. In fact, you must pay a separate fee for each test score you send to every college, which can end up costing quite a lot. Because the schools will never see any ACT score you don't send them, you're free to send them just your highest score. There are a few schools that require all ACT scores sent, but they're in the far minority. So how many times can you take the SAT or ACT? As many times as you want.What actually matters at the end of the day is your highest score. But for the sake of your wallet, if you stop improving, question why you aren't improving, and find a new prep program that can work better for you. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! What Are Your Chances of Improving Your SAT/ACT Score? This is the million dollar question. By now, you should have your SAT target score or ACT target score firmly in mind, and you know you want to improve to that point. Whether you can reachit depends on a few main factors. #1: Did you underperform on the official test, and you know you could have done better? A fluke test happens to the best of us. You might not have been feeling well that day. You might have gotten distracted during a reading passage that was especially difficult. You might have had a family situation that stressed you out the morning of the test. If your official test score is 100 SAT points or 2 ACT points lower than your consistent practice test score, RETAKEthe test. There's a lot of variation from test to test, and chances are very good that if you take the test again, you'll get a better score the second time. I've seen students swing as much as 500 points upward between two tests a month apart, simply because they had a terrible day the first time and knocked the second test out of the park. 2) How many times have you taken the SAT or ACT before? Here are some simple guidelines. Only taken the test once: DEFINITELYtake it again. Both the College Board and the ACTpublish results that show that most students (over 50%) who take the test a second time improve their score. Furthermore, the lower your starting score is, the more likely your second test is to improve. You should try to prep as well as you can, but even if you just take the test, odds are that you'll improve your score. Taken the test twice: Lean towards taking it again. If you prep, you'll have a much better chance at improving your score. Furthermore, because most schools take a Superscore, the chances that you'll improve your Superscore are very good. Taken the test 3 or more times:That depends onthis next question: 3) How much have you already studied, and how did you prep? The less you've prepped before, the more likely you can improve your score. If the only thing to prep before the test was look at the cover of an SAT/ACT book through the storefront window, you can make huge improvements with the right SAT/ACT prep method. If you've spent 400 hours studying, devoured all the SAT/ACT books, and hired a personal tutor for 100 hours, it's a lot harder to improve your score. You'll need to change your study method to have a shot at boosting your score again. If you've prepped a lot already and are unsure of what to study to improve your score, one thing is clear - you need a new approach. If you try what you've been doing with just a little more effort, you'll be disappointed with your results. I've seen hundreds of students come to me frustrated that their score isn't improving, when of course they've been doing the same incorrect things over and over again. Quick Plug: We have the industry's leading online prep program for both SAT prep and ACT prep. The real difference with our program is that we customize your studying to your strengths and weaknesses. Couple that with the country's top instructors and content, and you have what's been called a "life-saver" and "a godsend" by our happy families. Check it out now. What's Next? Now that you know your chances of improving your score, you should have an idea of whether you want to retake the SAT or ACT. In my experience, very few students are lost causes - nearly everyone at this stage can continue to improve their score, with the right prep method. Read this next: Figure out when you should take the SAT or ACT, and what the best test dates are. Check out our leading SAT and ACT prep programs:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Can ICT Enhance Education In The 21st Century Essay
Can ICT Enhance Education In The 21st Century - Essay Example However, little information is known about the value of the information technology in schools in the developing nations. This article looks at how ICT has influenced the level and standards of education in the 21st century, using the ICT theory and tools and the using of the relevance theory to explain how it applies to education. In the recent past, the teachers have learnt the importance of embracing ICT in their teaching programs, which have given them the relevant knowledge and made work easier for themselves as well as the students. Ager found out that there are diverse ICT tools used by different teachers in different countries, which causes a variation in the level of students understanding. The use of ICT tools in teaching and learning in the 21st century can enhance the level of education as well as the quality of education among the students, and the teachers (Ager, 1998, p.8). Using ICT will mastermind the changes in the teacher’s knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes. This is because using ICT in the education reform will bring into effect the importance of the teachers changing their attitudes in the order of teaching to create long-term sustainable change. One main hindrance to the effective implementation of this course is that the projects normally fall short of their expectations since the educationalists carry on work within the old-style vision of rote learning (Ager, 2000, p.7). In order to oversee effective implementation of the ICT tools in education, the teachers ought to realize this modern methodology of teaching is effective and should make a modification for their students. In addition, the teachers ought to have understanding and commitment, which should be particularly important in order to sustain changes in these areas, for instance project based learning systems, and the student center teaching techniques. However, the implementation of this methodology needs some primary changes for instance as a teacher instructional practic e (Blamires, 1999). Additionally, ICT can enhance changes in education in the way students engage their contents. According to (Cook, & Finlayson, 1999, p.7) the use of ICT in education can enhance changes especially in the areas, which engages research, such as the research projects. This is because research in learning science topics has proven that constructivist models of learning offer a supplementary reliable indulgence of how humans learn than previous behaviors. Besides, the different researches conducted have identified that the use of ICT technology encourages students to participate in-group activities such as teamwork or students make products, which symbolize what they are learning. Therefore, use of ICT technology can help improve the way the students interact and obtain their learning contents. Moreover, using ICT tools in education has created changes in relationships among the students, the teachers, and the parents. This has been achieved using a supportive and col laborative effort between the students and the teachers, which supports learning. The introduction of technology in learning also has enhanced the changes in the roles played by the students and the teachers. The various challenges brought about by the use of ICT in education have also enhanced the need for more involvement by the teachers and the students so that they can learn and master its use. Some various factors such as the teacher’s knowledge, time, and the tools, which are to be used, are an important factor to be considered. More importantly, the use of ICT technology has to be in line with the pedagogical goals (Forester, & Morrison, 1992, p.8), which are set forth by the education fraternity. ICT tools such as the internet has helped the students gain a self-governing
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Computer engineer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Computer engineer - Research Paper Example Bachelor's degrees in software engineering or computer science are a common place to start. Coursework to prepare the student Computer Engineer will include such topics as database design, systems analysis, critical thinking and technical writing. Because computer technology is a field that is constantly changing, continued education is vital to a successful career in Computer Engineering. High school students interested in pursuing this type of work should study mathematics, computer science, and physics. They should also take computer- programming courses in school or learn computer languages in their spare time. When in college, students should try to gain experience by getting an internship with software engineers. Most employers require that computer software engineers have a college education in computer science or software engineering. For more demanding jobs, a graduate degree is preferred. Knowledge of the major computer languages is a must. National certification courses ar e offered for most major computer languages, including C++, Java, and XML. ... ties and Responsibilities of a Computer Engineer Computer software engineers develop and maintain computer software programs, which are coded instructions that tell the computer what to do in logical steps. Software engineers work on a wide range of projects. They work in manufacturing, industry, engineering, government offices, and educational institutions. Sometimes they work on improving computer systems already in use. When asked to develop a program, a software engineer would first analyze the task and apply techniques of computer science, engineering, and mathematical analysis to come up with the best solution. The software engineer would then prepare systems flow charts that show diagrammatically how information would flow through the computer and its peripheral equipment to get the job done. Finally, they would create an outline of the actual program. In a large organization, such as a computer software company, computer engineers would instruct computer programmers to write the actual code that makes up the program and intercede only when the programmers have a problem. Once the program has been developed, the software engineer may test it for problems and examine it for errors in logic or data. Some programs require days to write, while others may require a year or so. (Cited from Barbara Bellesi; Computer Engineer-Duties and Salaries) Industry Growth and Wages Computer engineers will be in hot demand as computer networks grow in importance for companies both large and small. As a computer engineer, you can find employment in a variety of industries in both the public and private sectors, such as business, telecommunications, government, and health care. Computer engineers specializing in the Internet will be successful in finding employment for businesses
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Consider the presentation of the two main characters Essay Example for Free
Consider the presentation of the two main characters Essay Consider the presentation of the two main characters. What are Austin and Trevor telling us about the pressure on women in the past and present? Jane Austin wrote The Three Sisters in the 19th century. Jane Austin lived in a mercenary world, and she reflects this in her novels. No secret is made of the need to marry for money. Jane Austin believed that for marriage to work, people must have the same interests. The Three Sisters is about a woman called Mary. She has been proposed to by Mr Watts. He is older than her but she decides to marry him for his wealth and money. She also wants to get married before any of her sisters and the Duttons. However she fears her life will be miserable if she chooses to accept Mr Watts proposal. William Trevor wrote Teresas Wedding around the 1970s. William Trevor was born into a protestant family and brought up in a Catholic society. When troubles started to break out in Northern Ireland, William Trevor moved to England but he frequently visited Ireland. Teresas Wedding is also about marriage. The story starts off at the party after the wedding. Teresa has also married for convenience because she is pregnant. Both stories deal with loveless marriages and in both stories the women have little control over their lives. They are both under pressure to marry men they do not love. In Teresas Wedding marriage is seen as a means of escape from a grim community, a place of loneliness and frustration. In The Three Sisters marriage is seen as the only possible fulfilment for a woman. Mary is the eldest of the sisters. She has had her first offer of marriage, but she doesnt know how to value it. She wants to be the first to be married, she does not want to marry Mr Watts but she wants to get married before Georgiana and Sophy. She knows that if she turns down the offer, Mr Watts shall ask either one of the sisters, and following the traditional conventions of the time she is expected to marry before her younger sisters. Mary appears to be very confused one moment she says I shall have him and the next I hate him more than anything else in the world Austin writes about her own class, the upper middle class, and is very critical about their lifestyles and social behaviour, creating very amusing characters and describing them with crony. She makes a mockery of their snobbish behaviour. She describes Mary as a childish and self-centred girl, who likes to boast and often makes herself look ridiculous in front of others. Teresa is a woman who has just married to a man called Artie Cornish. Teresa had a round, pretty face and black, pretty hair, and was a month and a half pregnant. Teresa is a kind and friendly girl. She is calm, even though she is faced with the situation of admitting to Artie, her husband, on her wedding day that she had been in the field with his friend Screw Doyle. She shows maturity in her optimism about her future, believing that she and Artie might make some kind of marriage together Trevor uses third person narrative in his story, everything is described in detail, we almost feel part of the festivities. However, he does not write about the characters thoughts and feelings. Austins story is written in first person narrative, in letter form. This helps us to understand the characters fully. In the two stories the women receive pressure from the society they live in. Teresa also receives pressure from the local priest Father Hogan, who shows very little feelings for her when she confesses that she does not love Artie under the circumstances that line of talk is irrelevant Mary receives pressure also from her mother who is determined not to let this opportunity escape of settling one my daughters so advantageously I think it is a lot easier to get married in modern society because we have no restrictions in who we choose to marry. We also do not have our parents choose who we marry, so there is no excuse for marrying some one who you do not love.
Friday, November 15, 2019
A Worn Path Essay -- Character analysis, Phoenix
Ambiguity in â€Å"A Worn Path†has a significant impact on the story's presentation . The story does not know the trip's purpose until the end, when Phoenix herself remembers. This ambiguity of purpose impacts atmosphere and believability and creates a more direct experience of Phoenix's trip. If the journey's purpose was clear from the start, the story would either feel different or need adjustments in writing. The ambiguity impacts how information is interpreted, the choice of narration, and the expressive result of the work. Several details are given throughout Phoenix's trip without relevance to her destination. Every detail stands out because it is not known why Phoenix is traveling. This can lead to premature conclusions about Phoenix's goal. For example, she has concerns about her dress being torn, she has need to go under a barbed wire fence, and after the fence she sees â€Å"Big dead trees, like black men with one arm, were standing in the purple stalks of the withered cotton field†(1286). These details could lead to speculation that Phoenix is in the antebellum South, and is trying to return to the plantation hastily and subtly. A torn dress may reveal her night activities and the fence may be around the plantation itself. The image of one-armed black men standing in cotton fields invokes the antebellum South because of the association of cotton fields with slavery and the potential of amputation as a sort of punishment. It is not immediately known whether these images are related to Ph oenix's past, present, or neither. The story came out in 1941, so if she is around 90 and the story takes places in 1941, she could reasonably have memories of slavery. However, the fact that when she encounters a white man she is not questio... ...that her forgetfulness caused his death, either with the lye incident itself or afterwards. This is ambiguous, which emphasizes Phoenix's language and her personality instead of plot. The effect of her descriptions of him has more impact on the understanding of Phoenix and her relation with the world than on plot and closure. The ambiguity in â€Å"A Worn Path†impacts the story in several ways. It changes how the details are approached, discarding expectations. It helps the story become more immersive. It shifts the emphasis of the story from plot to the trip itself, Phoenix's personality, and the environment. It probably impacted decisions regarding the narrator. It emphasizes Phoenix's state and casts doubt on the grandson's status. Ultimately, the ambiguity in â€Å"A Worn Path†impacts how it is read, the expressive impact of the story, and the technical aspects of it.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Case Study: Poliomyelitis and Nursing
Jeffrey Alba is the eldest son of Jesse and Martha Alba. At twenty-four years of age, he is suffering from a permanent disability. Jeffrey has a poliomyelitis, otherwise known as polio since when he was born. Specifically, he is suffering from spinal polio, a disease that shows no symptoms 90% of the time at its early stages (Fagg, 1990, p. 21) His left leg has completely suffered from muscle atrophy for the past two decades, one of the evidences to the finding that the muscles in the left leg has been receiving little nourishment and exercise due to viral invasion in the spinal column (Beale & Horaud, 2001, p.841).Standing at approximately six feet and weighing at about 75 kilograms, Jeffrey can barely walk without his crutches, and a short-distance walk along the streets of the neighborhood proves to be a tiresome and painful experience for him. The Alba family is composed of four membersâ€â€parents and two siblings. Jeffrey’s sibling is Jennifer, a young girl of sixteen years. The Alba family resides in the suburban area of Detroit, Michigan and has lived there for the length of their lives. The family’s income is a little below the poverty line, living at about $20,000 annually.The family lives in a rented apartment after their first house was sold in 1990 due to financial difficulties. Client’s Needs Based on the physical configuration of the household’s place, Jeffrey needs the space for him to be able to walk with less hindrance in his path. The fact that Jeffrey walks with the help of his crutches calls for an immediate allocation of sufficient space along the narrow room where the family lives. Unnecessary tables and chairs situated across the living room should be removed or relocated elsewhere where Jeffrey rarely goes.Other furniture pieces such as cabinets that are too high for the client to be reached should be carefully reconfigured so that the client can be able to reach into those areas with minimal help. Since t he rented apartment where the Alba household lives is only a single flat and has no stairs, Jeffrey has no difficulties accessing the other parts of the room except for the fact that there are several tables and chairs that need to be removed from his path. The belongings of Jennifer such as her school bags and books should also be removed from the floor since they can impede the movement of Jeffrey from one place to another.Another observation made is that the rented apartment of the household rests on the fifth floor of the apartment complex. The apartment complex nevertheless has a functional elevator only that there are no emergency power supplies dedicated for powering the elevator during occasional power outages. The apartment complex also has stairs which can be used during emergencies. However, the stairs are steep and prove to be difficult for Jeffrey to use especially when there are other residents using the stairs.Thus, it is advised that Jeffrey should seek the help from his family in using the stairs in times when the elevators are not functioning. More importantly, the underarm crutches that Jeffrey has been using for the past twelve years have not yet been replaced. Although the crutches are still functioning, the metal bars are already partly bent mainly because of the increase in weight in Jeffrey’s body as he grew up through the years. At six feet in height, the underarm crutches used by Jeffrey for the past six years in his life are only appropriate for individuals with a height of five feet and five inches.The shorter length of his underarm crutches can result to back complications since Jeffrey has to stoop in order to adjust to the length of the crutches. Moreover, the physical configuration of his underarm crutches is a bit small compared to his physique. Thus, there is an apparent need for a replacement of the crutches in order to prevent several other complications that may arise from the unsuitable crutches that Jeffrey is usin g. Due to the family’s meager income and budget, Jeffrey has rarely visited a hospital and sought medical advice from a doctor.The last time that the client visited a doctor was when he was still eighteen years of age, barely six years ago. As a result, the family has no update on the current condition of Jeffrey’s polio. From the family pictures taken within the past six years, it can be observed that the left leg of Jeffrey has greatly decreased in size. While the rest of the body of Jeffrey has developed through the years, the muscles of the left leg of the client have continuously shrunk in mass. The need of the client for medical advice is of utmost importance so that further medical problems can be looked into and averted.Budget for the Changes and Evaluation Most of the proposed changes in the Alba household do not require a significant amount of financial funding. The proposed changes in the setting of the apartment room can be done almost immediately and very minimal help from paid professionals. The parents can transfer the tables and chairs inappropriately situated in the living room into the bedrooms. Meanwhile the school belongings of Jennifer such as bags, books and notebooks scattered in the different parts of the floor can be transferred into the empty cabinets.The family can easily provide assistance to Jeffrey when he is using the emergency stairs given the fact that the family is oftentimes idle for several hours during the day. Moreover, the parents can request for the construction of a specialized platform just outside the main entrance to the building from the apartment manager or caretaker. The platform will serve as a safety entrance built especially not only for Jeffrey but also for the rest of the other residents of the apartment complex with permanent disability.The family can also request from the building manager several signs just before the elevator entrance such as signs which inform the public to give sufficient s pace to or prioritize the permanently disabled residents. This proposed change is also relatively free of charge as far as the Alba household is concerned. There are a few things, however, which need financing on the part of the Alba household in addressing the health condition of Jeffrey. For one, the provision of a new pair of crutches for Jeffrey requires payments ranging from $50 to $100.Nevertheless, the family can contact several non-government organizations which provide new crutches to deserving individuals either free of charge or at a lesser purchase price. The family can also send personal letters to government officials requesting for a new pair of crutches that are not only sturdy and can last a lifetime but are also suitable to the physique, height and weight of Jeffrey. Given the need for medical advice from a medical practitioner, the family can decide to bring Jeffrey to a healthcare facility that is funded by non-profit organizations.If possible, however, the famil y can also resort to medical advice from doctors in private hospitals within Detroit. Medical advice can run to a few hundred dollars, depending on the severity of his spinal poliomyelitis and the equipments which will be used in assessing his condition. As far as the planning, completion and evaluation of the client is concerned with respect to nursing diagnosis, there are little to very minimal expenses which may barely include transportation costs, meal expenses and purchases for documentation purposes.The duration of the execution of the case study will range from two weeks to a full month, depending on the results of medical advice sought by the Alba household for Jeffrey from either the non-profit healthcare organization or private hospital. The complete valuation will be composed of at least three visits a week to the household for two weeks to one month, with one to two hours duration per visit.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Boston Bombing: Summary Essay
On Monday April 15 2013, which was Patriot Day, an atrocity happened in Boston, United States. As everyone already knew, it was the Boston Marathon Bombing. The annual Boston Marathon bombing started just like other years, without any clue of the calamity. The marathon began as usual and horde of crowds gather along the sidewalk, cheering for their families and friends. The contestants endured the tiredness and headed towards the finish line. A spontaneous chant of â€Å"Go, Go!†bursted out as the runners moved closer and closer towards the ending. But just then, a bomb was released on Boylston Street, near the finish line. Many people screamed, and the air was filled with dirt and gases. 13 minutes later, another bomb went off also on Boylston Street, but few blocks further. Debris from the building along the side walk was blown over into pieces, flying over in the air. Some runners collapsed on the ground, failing to stand up. They tried to combat the bomb but unfortunately, they couldn’t. The air was so polluted and you hardly could see anything. 3 people died, and 264 were injured. A exciting and interesting event turned into one that was a totally disaster and grievous. But fortunately, rescue workers came as soon as possible. According to FBI, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the weapons that took part in the bombing were pressure cooker bombs that was especially made for this marathon. These types of bomb was intended to damage the runner’s limb, making them unable to run. Most of the victims suffered severe leg injuries and wounds. This event was globally significant because it had caused a lot of reactions from people all over the world. In the united states, a moment of silence were observed on the day after the bombing to show respects towards the victims. President Obama ordered the flags lowered to half- staff, also to show a kind of respect. In China, people posted message on social websites to give comment about the death of a Chinese contestant, who was attending collage in Boston. People were aware of her death since many Chinese wanted to send their children overseas for collage. People all around the world will learn from this event and be more cautious.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Understanding the Italian Present (Presente) Tense
Understanding the Italian Present (Presente) Tense The Italian present tense (presente) is happening right now. Its a simple tense- that is, the verb form consists of one word only. The present tense of a regular Italian verb is formed by dropping the infinitive ending and adding the appropriate endings to the resulting stem. The present tense is used extensively in Italian and can be translated into English in several ways, depending on the intended meaning. The present tense is used to state a fact that is always true. Lacqua bolle a 100 gradi.Water boils at 100 degress (centrigrade) The present tense is used to express an ongoing action in the present. Il signor Rossi lavora a casa oggi.Mr. Rossi is working at home today. The present tense is used to express a habitual (regular, repeated) action in the present. Prendi un caffà ¨ ogni giorno?Do you have a cup of coffee every day?Vanno sempre in discoteca il sabato.They always go dancing on Saturday. The present tense is often used to express what will happen in the future. If another element in the sentence refers to the future, the present tense can be used. - Torni a casa domani?Will you go back home tomorrow?- No, sto qui fino a venerdà ¬.No, I will stay here until Friday. The presents tense is used to express an action that begins in the past and continues in the present. This corresponds to the English construction has/have been ___ing. - Da quando Lei lavora qui?How long have you been working here?- Lavoro qui da tre anni.I have been working here for three years.- Da quanto tempo sei malato?How long have you been sick?- Sono malato da tre giorni.Ive been sick for three days. The present tense is used to express a past action, usually for dramatic effect; this is called the historic, or narrative, present. Cristoforo Colombo attraverso lOceano Atlantico nel 1492.Christopher Columbus crosses the Atlantic Ocean in 1492.LItalia diventa una nazione nel 1861. Dieci anni dopo Roma diventa la capitale del nuovo paese.Italy becomes a nation in 1861. Ten years later Rome becomes the capital of the new country. Italian often uses the present tense of stare plus a gerund to express the equivalent of the present progressive, or present continuous, tense in English. This construction emphasizes the ongoing nature of the action. Pina sta leggendo il giornale.Pina is reading the newspaper. Andare is used instead of stare to indicate a gradual increase or decrease. While the use of stare gerund is restricted to the present and imperfect (and sometimes future) tenses, andare can be used in all tenses. La qualit del prodotto andà ² migliorando di anno in anno.Product quality got better every year.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Othello Act 2 Summary
'Othello' Act 2 Summary Iagos evil plan begins to take shape in Othello Act 2. Our summary works through Act 2 scene-by-scene to guide you through the complex plot that drives Shakespeare’s Othello. Act 2 Scene 1 Montano the Governor of Cyprus and two gentlemen discuss the tempestuous weather which has defeated most of the Turkish fleet. A Third gentleman enters to decry the end of the war; â€Å"News lads! Our wars are done. The desperate tempest hath so banged the Turks that their designment halts.†He explains that a noble Venetian ship weathered the storm and Michael Cassio, Othello’s Lieutenant has arrived on shore. Cassio is said to be concerned about Othello’s ship which was caught up in the storm. Cassio enters concerned about Othello â€Å"O let the heavens give him defence against the elements, For I have lost him on a dangerous sea†. A sail is spotted at sea, the hope is that it is Othello’s ship; however, Cassio identifies the ship as Iago’s. On the ship are Roderigo, Desdemona and Emilia among others. Cassio explains to Montano about the marriage between Othello and Desdemona and his arrangement for Iago to provide for her shelter and protection. Desdemona enters asking about her husband, Cassio says; â€Å"The great contention of the sea and skies parted our fellowship†. Cassio introduces himself to Emilia, Iago puts his wife down by telling him that she talks too much he then goes on to say of women in general: â€Å"You are pictures at the door, bells in your parlours; wildcats in your kitchens, saints in your injuries; devils being offended, players in your housewifery, and hussies in your beds.†Iago is encouraged by the women to further develop his cutting and satirical use of ‘praise’ for their amusement. Cassio and the ladies go off as Iago ruminates on his plot to make Cassio appear to be having an affair with Desdemona. Othello’s trumpet sounds, he has arrived. Desdemona and Othello have a loving exchange of words and Iago says in an aside that despite their obvious love now, he will ruin their union. Othello confirms that the Turks are defeated. The group leave Iago and Roderigo alone on stage. Iago tells Roderigo that Desdemona is clearly in love with Othello, Roderigo refuses to believe it. Iago believes that Cassio does love Desdemona but that she loves Othello and acknowledges that Othello would prove to be a good husband to her. Iago admits to loving Desdemona too but not out of lust more out of revenge that because Othello ‘slept with his wife’ then he should sleep with his; â€Å"For that I do suspect the lusty Moor hath leapt into my seat, †¦And nothing can or shall content my soul Til I am evened with him, wife for wife.†Failing this, Iago wants to put Othello in to a jealousy so strong that he will not be able to trust his wife again. Iago will use Michael Cassio as Desdemona’s supposed suitor in order to get closer to Othello and to put Cassio’s character in to disrepute. Act 2 Scene 2 Othello’s Herald enters to read a proclamation; he invites the victorious soldiers to come and celebrate his nuptials with him. He encourages them to dance and feast and enjoy themselves. He blesses the isle of Cyprus and Othello. Continue reading by visiting our contents page of scene guides to Shakespeare’s Othello.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
I would like to do my paper on the way different genders are educated Research
I would like to do my on the way different genders are educated and learn differently - Research Paper Example In modern western societies gender is something which is flexible and is worked at by individuals in a social context: â€Å"an accomplishment, an achieved property of situated conduct†¦ Rather than as a property of individuals we perceive gender as an emergent feature of social situations.†(West and Zimmerman, 1987, p. 126) One very important social institution for the â€Å"doing†of gender in this way is the education system. This paper examines the way that different genders are educated differently and explores why they learn differently and achieve different outcomes. In classical and medieval times formal education was reserved mainly for men, and women were restricted to domestic training and preparation for marriage. Theories why this was the case range from kind of biological determinism based on hunter-gatherer job distribution to political power struggles in which the patriarchs used superior physical strength to apportion most of the privileges to the mselves. The stereotyping of girls as passive and nurturing and boys as active and combative comes from this kind of reasoning. In families and in nursery schools boys certainly display a general tendency to play with mechanical toys, while girls tend to choose dolls and clothes, largely because these choices are reinforced by parents and teachers, and opposite choices are often frowned upon. This is the power of socialization at work which sets up unspoken gender â€Å"norms†for boys and girls. With the arrival of feminism in the twentieth century many educators actively began to work against this stereotyping and it became clear that when equal opportunity and support is given for free choices, there is a far less clear distinction between boys’ and girls’ behavior. (Butler, 1999) Some studies point out that brain differences between males and females have been observed, (Gurian and Stevens, 2011, 43) and that these mimic the classic spatial awareness ability of boys and communicative prowess of girls. It is not entirely clear, however, whether these differences are innate, or whether they are learned during early childhood. Certainly the socialization of children is very important in the way that they perceive gender, both in terms of themselves, and in terms of the range of choices available to them in their lives. Boys and girls learn different ways of talking, and of behaving, and this predisposes them to particular subjects later in life. (Hall and Bucholtz, 1995, 5-12) After a period of intensive support for women in education, the situation of exclusion has been removed, and in fact the worry for modern society is now the under-representation of boys and men in education. It is estimated that in 2007 â€Å"the gender gap will reach 2-3 million, with 9.2 million women enrolled in U.S. colleges compared with 6.9 million men.†(Lopez, 2003, p. 2) The ratio in some minority ethnic groups is likely to show an even greater imbal ance than this. It may be that such trends are due to factors in contemporary society, such as the effect of feminism on the education world, and the way that teaching and assessment methods have changed to favour homework and continuous assessment, for example, instead of final unseen examination. The underperformance of boys may also be due to a crisis in the way that masculinity is perceived: men are expected to relinquish their superior position in
Friday, November 1, 2019
First American Physicist Benjamin Franklin Research Paper
First American Physicist Benjamin Franklin - Research Paper Example Ben Franklin’s life shows that only those people who dare to risk securities of home, have a strong desire to learn continuously and have a great sense of humor, can lead a happy, content and meaningful life. Hence, for anyone who desires to lead a meaningful and joyful life, and desires to live every moment of life to the fullest, the characters and life of Ben Franklin can be great inspiration, as he is an epitome of qualities that lead to success and happiness in both, the personal and the professional life. Early Years Ben Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on January 17, 1706 (Glass, 2004, p. 4). Franklin had sixteen siblings and he was the fifteenth child of his parents (Glass, 2004, p. 4). He went to school at the age of eight but left the school at the age of 10 to become an apprentice to his father (Glass, 2004, p. 4). He was exposed to work life very early. However, he was very fond of reading books and never stopped learning new things (Glass, 2004, p. 5). His mind was active, sharp and curious. Ben learned how to make soaps and candles in his father’s shop (Nettleton, 2004, p. 5). However, he never liked making it and enjoyed reading better (Glass, 2004, p. 6). Even though he was able to attend the school only for two years, his interest in reading books remained intact (Nettleton, 2004, p. 6). ... 6). The interest in reading and gaining knowledge from books developed his skills and business acumen. Moreover, he learnt how to be â€Å"good, just and prudent in the conduct of life†from his father (Russell, 1926, p.5). While working under his father, Ben developed interest in different tools of making artifacts by watching â€Å"joiners, bricklayers, turners, braziers and other artificers at work†(Russell, 1926, p.5). This helped him later in life in making his own tools to conduct different experiments in his laboratory (Russell, 1926, p.5). However, Ben never liked his father’s business and also did not intend to become a clergy, as his father wanted him to be (Russell, 1926, p.7). After some time, he joined his brother in printing shop (Glass, 2004, p. 6). However, Ben soon realized that he will have to make a separate way for himself, as his relationship with his brother was not going smooth. Independent Path Benjamin Franklin’s brother James was a printer (Glass, 2004, p. 6). Ben joined his brother as an apprentice and started learning how to make new papers at his printing shop (Nettleton, 2004, p. 11). At the time he joined his brother as apprentice, Ben was just 12 years old (Russell, 1926, p.4). James used to print newspaper articles written by Ben without knowing that Ben had written them as Ben used to write them under female name (Nettleton, 2004, p. 11). When he learnt that it was Ben who was writing it, he stopped publishing them (Nettleton, 2004, p. 11). Ben was not able to carry on working with James as he argued with him a lot (Nettleton, 2004, p. 11). James was abusive (American Physics Society, n.d., para. 3) and never showed appreciation towards what Ben did. Hence, Ben ran away to Philadelphia when he was 17
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Dell's Product Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Dell's Product Policy - Essay Example This translates to their system having low cash conversion cycle hence cash is generated steadily. However, the system has its limitations. The low inventory held means shortage is a possibility in cases where manufacturers delay in supplying the PC chips, like in 1996. The very high dependence on on-time component supply by manufacturers poses a major threat to steady supply. In addition, changes in product means an overhaul in processes which is an expensive venture. This means that working capital can be funded through the management of inventory and cash flow cuts (Ruback & Sesia 2003). Working capital is the measure of efficiency and liquidity in a company. To obtain the computation, one needs to subtract current liabilities from the firm’s current assets. Inventory process For comparison, we assume that the cost of goods sold by the competitors remains constant. We observe that the carrying costs only depend on the DSI (Ruback & Sesia 2003). For 1995, the cost of sales = $2737, equivalent to a daily COS of 2737/365= $7.5% We make a comparison with the highest observed DSI of the competitor, Compaq, 73. Hence the inventory Compaq holds over dell is (73-32)*75=$307.5 m This means that for Compaq to acquire new goods, it has to sell its old inventory. Since new technology is 30% cheaper, Compaq incurs and an opportunity loss, given by 0.3*307.5=$92.25m Cash funding This provides a simple way for the company to grow its assets in the short term without borrowing long term. Assume we want to grow the cash by 52% for 1996 internally. The total assets denoted TA for 1995 is computed as follows: TA (1995) =1594-484=1110. As a fraction of sales, 1110/3475=0.3194 or 31.94%. Assuming that they want to hold this for 1996, the required increase in the total assets without long term investment is given by 0.3194*0.52*3475=579.37m. This should be done without the increasing account payables (as this is an external means). This means that the cumulative liabilities should be computed excluding these payables, i.e. for CL (cumulative liabilities) for 1995=1594-403 and for 1996=2184-466. The change in current assets not factoring in accounts payable is the difference in the two values, yielding a value $491m. Assuming the company adopts the same strategy of maintaining the profit generated, the net profit to sales ratio should remain constant. This value computed as 149/3475=0.0429 or 4.29%. We can determine the cash flow from net profit for 1996 by holding the sales value constant, computed as shown, .0429*1.52*3475=$226.89m, surpassing the debt level as the total cash inflow which is the sum of the net profit and the increase in liabilities against the cash outflow required for 1996 Fund growth for 1997 The increase in total assets, TA for 1996, 2148-591=1557 as ratio of sales, 1557/5296=0.294 or 29.4 %.Assuming a growth of 50% is desired, the increase in 1997 is given by 0.294*0.5*5296=778.51m. For cumulative liabilities, CA as a ratio of th e sales value is given as (2148-466)/5296=0.316 or 31.6%. Hence the cash flow from the change in the current assets in 1997 is given by 2523-(2148-466) =841m. The net profit as a ratio of sales in1996 =272/5296 = 0.0514 or 5.14%. Hence the cash flow from operating profit for 1997 is given as 0.0514*1.5*5296=408.32m.This means that Dell Corporation has the ability to fund itself in 1997 internally without external injection of capital. (Ruback & Sesia 2003) Aventis
Monday, October 28, 2019
Discussing The Process Of Operations Management Information Technology Essay
Discussing The Process Of Operations Management Information Technology Essay Operations management is a process of managing resources required for production and deliverance of the products and services. Its basic objective is to improve the amount of value-added activities in each of the processes. The part of the company that is entrusted with this process is the operations function. As each and every organization produces products they all are bound to have operations function. The people responsible for managing the operation functions resources are known as operations managers. In different type of organizations they may be called by different names like in supermarket they are store manager, etc. This report demonstrates the three operations management techniques which helped the companies improve their business activities and performance. They were Supply Chain Management (SCM) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Total Quality Management(TQM) In this report the case studies involving the implementation of the above three techniques are explained. The benefits experienced by the companies and any changes they could have made to maximize them are also mentioned. Supply Chain Management (SCM): Supply chain management consists of coordinating the material and information flow, and the finances between the supplier, manufacturer and the consumer. Its main objective is inventory reduction assuming that when products are needed they are available. The supply networks are made up of Supplier-buyer relationship. The flow of Supply chain management flows can be divided into three parts: The product The informational flow The financial flow The behavior of the supply chain is dynamic and is known as bullwhip effect. This means that if there are small changes happening at the end of the supply chain they start causing changes at the start of the supply chain. The reduction of the bullwhip effect can be achieved by: Efficiently distributing the information by connecting all the operations to the demand source. Establishing a similar decision making process along the entire supply chain. Increasing the efficiency of the operations by eliminating sources of waste. Supplier quality management The basic need of any company from their suppliers is the deliverance of good quality products on right time. The best practice of improving the quality of product is by improving the quality of raw materials supplied by suppliers. SQM can be implemented by following the practices mentioned below: Estimating and finding the cost incurred due to poor supplier quality: This is also known as COPQ (Cost of poor quality). The COPQ can be calculated from the following: The costs incurred due to scrapping and reworking. The shutdown of our assembly line due to defective products. The costs of shipping back the defective products to suppliers and the warranty costs. Developing a system for recovering our costs: In this, the suppliers are charged back for supplying poor quality products. Here, we must include not only the material costs but also the non-material costs like packaging defective products, their transportation costs, etc. Auditing and rating of suppliers: This is the most effective way of checking whether our suppliers are conforming to our mentioned processes, quality systems, transporting, etc. It can be done once every year for all of our suppliers. The advantages gained by companies by having effective supply chain are: They have low maintenance and real costs. They can make delivery of better value and have repeat of business with the customers. They can easily remove waste from the process. They get more turnover profits and can make long term plans for the future. Summary of Case study for Supplying fast fashion: This case study best demonstrates how the garment retailing business is carried out in this dane age.It shows how the different fashion ideas which would not have been even considered by a retail store can become must-have in a short period. The working of top retail brands like HM, Zara and Benetton is been explained. It explains the quicker-picker-upper fashion concept which has made Zara, HM todays leading retailers. Reasons: To achieve this science of fast fashion product development cycles need to compress, which can be done through effective supply chain management. The retail brands believed that the only way they can keep stocks to a minimum while meeting the customers demand quickly and flexibly was through the integration of processes along the supply chain All the top 3 brands have their supply chain divided in four stages Designing of garments Manufacturing Distribution to retail outlets Retail operations Designing: Designing is of extreme importance in retailing market. The stores are supposed to deliver high and fast fashion at an inexpensive cost not cheap cost. H M designing -It is carried out by team of 100 designers in Stockholm who operate with group of 50 pattern designers, about 100 buyers and many budget controllers. Zara designing: Here, the design idea is derived from three different sources-the designers, market analysts and the buyers who order consignments to suppliers. The design stage for Zara is divided in three sections: Women, men and children chlothes.The prototype designs are created and tried out by placing all the three sources (designers, market analysts and buyers) in small workshops. The market analysts capture the new happenings in the fashion market as they are always in contact with the retail stores. This way Zaras retail stores are at the start of the supply chain and not at the end. Distribution: The investment costs incurred by Zara and Benetton in automating their warehouses is very high as they want them to be near production centres which could store, pack and develop independent orders for the network of retail stores around the globe. Currently, Zara only uses half of its warehousing capacity while Benetton is still exploring the possibility of using RFID tags for tracking garments. The distribution process at HM is still routine. The stock management is carried out internally and physical distribution is sub-contracted. In HM, goods are routed to retail site from production site through a transit terminal in Hamburg owned by the HM itself. These goods are then inspected and stored in a centralized stock room known as call-off warehouse where stores are replenished on each item level depending on what is sold. Manufacturing: Manufacturing costs can be significantly reduced if there are reduced labor costs. Therefore, most of the Benettons manufacturing operations are carried out in Asia, North Africa and Eastern Europe. The expensive technological operations are carried out in privately owned Benettons sites whereas all the labor intensive operations would be carried out by smaller contractors. The central Benetton facility decides upon how much and what is to be produced by non-Italian networks. Similar is the case with HM, whose 50% production is carried out in Asia. They have 21 offices all over the world which co-ordinate the supplier activities. The healthy relation maintained between suppliers and production offices allows them to buy fabric early. The actual cutting and dyeing of the garments carried out at later stage. This helps in delaying placement of an order, thereby reducing risk of purchasing wrong items. Zara owns much of its manufacturing capabilities which it can manipulate to meet the customer demands at short response. Almost 50% of Zaras productions, most of which are expensive operations (cutting, dyeing) are carried out in plants owned by Zara in Spain and similar to Benetton the labor intensive operations are sub-letted to contractors. Volume flexibility is maintained by Zara and their sub-contractors using a single shift system. Retail: This working is almost similar between all stores.HM stores have average size of 1300 sq.m and are owned and managed by themselves. Zara stores are smaller compared to HM with 800 sq.m size. The Benetton shops on the other hand are 1300-1500 sq.m.Previously the stores used to be run by third parties as small shops. Though there is difference in size they all have similar aim of providing the customer with comfortable atmosphere to make them feel at home and allow them to buy what they want. Benefits: The retail brands were able to achieve a high level of integration using supply chain management. This allows them to quickly react to customers demand and be flexible with minimum stocks posssible.They were able to find the correct balance between fashion, price and quality(Each brand has their own sense of fashion, price and quality).The average supply lead time achieved was about3 weeks 6 months. Of these 3 brands, Zara has achieved shortest lead times called as catwalk to rack time which is as small as 15 days. This means that not a single garment in Zara store is older than two weeks. The designs are also not repeated and are produced in small batches. This ultimately forces customers to avoid delaying their purchase and visit the store frequently lead to increased profits. Effective Supply Chain Management has helped each of the company to become a global brand image in their own way while keeping their production costs low. Suggestions: In the manufacturing stage where the raw materials are supplied by different suppliers a star rating system can be used. In this procedure a 3 star is given to that supplier which has previous record of success on supply factors set by company itself. On contrary, no stars are given to them with whom company has had certain problems before. We can do this as shown in supplier calculation table below: Value can be added to the retail industry by personalizing the needs of customer and improving customer service by using RFID technology. To automate the supply chain RFID can be used. This will help in labor reduction which accounts for about 50-80% of distribution costs. The benefits gained by implementation of RFID through supply chain can be clearly explained by figure given below: (Tajima M 2007) RFID can prove extremely useful in retail industry to control inventory efficiency and also as a theft protection service. (Michael K, McCathie L) ERP The most common and important problem involved in operations management is managing the vast amounts of data while performing it. It is extremely important that the information of each and every function done spread among the entire organization. This is what will enable them to make crucial decisions like when the activity to be done, by whom is and what is the capacity required. ERP-Enterprise Resource Planning is used to perform all the above said activities and overcome the problems arriving from them. ERP is an intelligent IT system which integrates all parts and functions of an organization to plan and control activities required for operations management. This integration also allows for transparency among all parts of organization. ERP is a complex and difficult system to implement as it is basically designed to solve problems involving fragmentation of information. An ERP system almost forces everyone to forces everyone involved in an organization to change the way they used to do their job. ERP automates the processes involved in all business operations right from taking of an order from the customer, delivering it and the billing process. In ERP, when an order is been taken by the company representative, he has full information of the customer like his credit rating and also the companys. As ERP has a single database system the new order can be accessed by all the departments and when one department is finished with the order it is automatically transferred to the next department by ERP.The location of the order can also be easily tracked using a ERP system. The ERP system make the order processing faster and the customer receive them quickly with fewer errors. The key success factors required for successful ERP implementation are: Top level management support and commitment Clear vision and proper planning Having a Project champion A set time frame to deliver the implementation strategy Project and change management Proper IT infrastructure and selecting the right ERP package Maintaining healthy relationship with the Consultant Risk management The investment required for buying and implementing the software is very high. This can be proved by the survey conducted by the META group on the Total cost of ownership of ERP involving all costs like software, hardware and all staff cost. The highest Total Cost of Ownership was of about $300 million and lowest was $400,000.the average price for user of ERP for period of two years was a massive $53,320.which proves ERP is expensive. Some of the risks involved with ERP implementation are: The chances of under estimating the overall cost are high The training and the expertise level required from the consultants will be more than expected. Under estimation of effort and time required. The project scope can be difficult to control and the need for change management may not be recognized on time 3. A case study conducted at Rolls-Royce investigating the implementation of ERP (SAP): In this case study, the Introduction and background of company along with the changes observed by them after the implementation of ERP is discussed. The risks involved with implementation of SAP are also presented. Reasons For implementation: Rolls-Royce returned back to private sector in 1987 and started acquisition of companies which enabled them to consolidate their position in industrial power .The basic reason for implementing ERP was to sort out centralized database from old legacy MRP2 systems. Before ERP, Rolls-Royce had as many as 1500 systems which were developed internally. The operation of these legacy systems was expensive maintenance was equally difficult. They did not assist for accurate and good decision making as they were unable to provide accurate accessible data. The systems implemented were unable to communicate between individual sites. The tracking of the work in progress between sites was inaccurate and causing inventory problems. The legacy systems were unable to communicate direct with suppliers and customers. (Yahaya Y, Gunasekaran A, Abthorpe M S 2004). Rolls-Royce then decided to outsource its IT department to EDS.This allowed Rolls-Royce to concentrate on its main area of expertise which was developing and manufacturing aero-engines. A team of specialists from EDS-the outsourcing firm was assigned the task of implementing ERP project which also had SAP consultants in their team. The team was well equipped with managers and staff that had crucial knowledge of old legacy systems understanding of cross functional business relationships. Yahaya Y, Gunasekaran A, Abthorpe M S 2004). Although the new systems implemented were better than most of the legacy systems they were not fully appreciated as the older ones. The team decided to overcome this problem by conducting seminars for the staff and explaining them the improvements the new systems have made to company. Training was given to about 10000 people through demonstrations, meetings and presentations. Strategy and direction: For the project, Rolls-Royce required over 100 personal computers and the total cost incurred was two million pounds. The scope and the outline plan for the project were made. A team was allocated to look over actual implementation process. After this a prototype was created and installed. This prototype model was based on Rolls-Royce Allison model. In this stage following activities were carried out: Reviewing preliminary design: Here, strategy for designing and implementation was developed along with BPM (Business process model) Development and customization of the vanilla prototype. Reviewing of implementation and the technical operations. Development of the systems and their conversions before they Go-live. The main implementation stage was divided into two waves. The first wave got delayed by 6 months because They wanted to provide more time for line organizations to prepare and clean up data. To allocate time for pilot testing and system development. To overcome difficulties faced with SAP usage. Wave one-The main objective here was to replace all the old systems. In wave one new manufacturing system like SFDMs were introduced. The pilot project of SAP suggested the end of wave one. Wave second: In this wave the engine assembly was implemented. This wave lasted for one year in duration. The second wave was ended when new systems began showing positive results. Enterprise Resource pilot: This pilot system was a small scale system run for 3 months and number 4 shops was chosen as facility where transmissions and structure operations were centre of attention for company. The reason for this facility selection was its low production capacity of only 280 parts. The pilot system was used to demonstrate processes and procedures for businesses .They were also responsible for defining role for each member and demonstrate how to manage data transfers. Go-live The problems encountered on going live were: They had user authorization issues like passwords, etc The route cards were not there due to which work on shop floor was temporarily halted. Transaction problems were observed and they were corrected by comparing old and new systems. The actual main pat of go-live system was difficult as the shear amount of data to be transferred from legacy systems was huge. To achieve this data was required to be kept in a state of stability for up to 10 weeks. The initial data like the list of suppliers was to be transferred and if any error occurred on old system they were recorded and passed on to the new system.MRP system was used to complete the go-love process which took 2 weeks time. After the go-live stage the old system were kept in view only mode which allowed comparisons to be done between new and old systems. Project risks: This project was involved with all the departments and ha its associated risks. These risks were tried to be overcomed by the ERP implementation team by maintaining a risk register. Some of the risks mentioned on the internet page of Rolls-Royce are: If due to some reason there was no delivery or unavailability of the IT hardware. Possibility of failure while loading the data or setting priorities on ERP. The project would have significant impact on the accounts of the company at the year end. Benefits: The effectiveness of such a large scale IT project is often difficult to understand .The benefits achieved from such a huge project requires at least a year to become visisble.The most immediate and important benefits that was achieved was to make a promise to customer and deliver it on time. This led to improved customer satisfaction and boosts their confidence which would result in increased orders for the future. The ERP system improved the relationship within the supply chain where Electronic communications were used to make transactions easier. The ERP system made communications between all the parts of the business absolutely clear. The Rolls-Royce management gained a better sense of control over number of operations which resulted in continuous improvements. It made possible to have accurate and timely information about their customers, business partners and suppliers. Suggestions: The company for the future can create a large data warehouse. In this the data can be stored centrally and extracted from all different places like historical and external databases. The data can be stored in user friendly format which can be accessible by non-external users. This data warehouse will help in collecting all the new data and merge it with the old data.. The management of EIS (Enterprise Information system) to check its sustainability can be done to maximize the benefits gained from an ERP system. TQM: Quality is the only one of the five operations performance criteria to have its own dedicated chapter in this book. There are two reasons for this. First, in some organizations a separate function is devoted exclusively to the management of quality. Second, quality is a key concern of almost all organizations. High-quality goods and services can give an organization a considerable competitive edge. Good quality reduces the costs of rework, waste, complaints and returns and, most importantly, generates satisfied customers. Some operations managers believe that, in the long run, quality is the most important single factor affecting an organizations performance relative to its competitors. Case Study TQM Summary: Rendall owned Preston graphics plant is located in Vancouver. Before, in March 2000 the plant was bought from Georgetown co-operation. This is a small-scale production plant of precision coated paper required in ink-jet printers. The precise coating was applied by coating machines after which they were cut into coated rods in conversion departments. They were then packed and shipped in small containers. Scenario before Implementation: The main customer of the plant was HP(Hewlett-Packard) and they were the one who pointed out the problems they were facing from the paper supplied to them. They were unable to curl the coated paper at low humidity conditions. This problem was noticed by HP personnel as there was no formal complaint made by Hps customers. The plant then hired a team which resolved the problem in the next 7-8 months. The process started producing in acceptable limits but this was due to the fact that they were only concerned about shipping the product within the specification limits. They had a culture which did not care about how close they were to the specification limits and eventually not be able to meet them. This resulted in the plant making loss of $2 million in a year even though they had buoyant sales. This was mainly due to lower productivity and high scrap and rework. To overcome them the management team hastily made a number of changes like increasing the speed of operation line to improve productivity. But still the process charts given by HP showed that the plant was not capable enough to satisfy their need for the next 3 generations. The plant was then bought by Rendall which was not happy with the plants continuing losses and the important customers dissatisfaction (HP).The plant continued to have productivity and quality problems. The full extent of the problem was made visible to the Preston quality manager by the HP engineer in a meeting at Chicago. They clearly explained him the process control charts they had which were given to them by Preston themselves. They convinced the Preston manager that people at Preston were not giving importance to the data showed by process control charts otherwise they would have realized their quality problems. The quality manager then decided to bring the plant under control. He along with his team then reviewed the decisions they made right from the start when the curl problem appeared and they adjusted the process. The team used a set of shut-down rules which enabled the operations to halt a line if they thought the product they were making was of inferior quality. This resulted in throwing away almost 64 large size rolls and about $10000 worth of scrapped product. The guidelines for shut down procedure were that they had to get rid of the defect and when that is done they are allowed to operate. This might cause the managers to tell the workers to improve their productivity but they would harshly criticize the workers if they were violating the quality process procedures. The two more change they implemented were: Daily reviewing of the control chart data The control chart data was then debated by the staff that was kept away from production while doing this. There was uncertainty among quite a few due to no production but it was vital as it got all the 3 shift operators talking about quality issues and control chart data. This caused a positive atmosphere among the workers and boosted the morale of the shop floor team. It led to remarkable improvements on quality front and improved efficiency of plant. The further progressive action taken in quality management by the plant was the implementation of Statistical process control. Then they did zero-based assessment to bring the costs down by reducing labor costs. They began downsizing process. The less number in workforce means that they should produce good quality paper in the first place to avoid inspection process. The plant workforce then decided to develop a portfolio for the ideas of new product which would boost their confidence. The most significant idea was of protowrap in which the new print wrap was able to be repulped. Benefits: Preston Company made profits after Christmas of 2000 after a period of 2 years. Moreover, they had made such a progress that they were beginning to get noticed at corporate level. This caused HP (Hewlett-Packard) to ask them to bid for their new product. It had continuous three months of profits and they also received the new contract from HP. The plants new quality procedures and principles allowed them to produce products more economically. The most significant benefit Preston received by implementing TQM was that they were able to reverse the decision made by Rendall-their owners to shut them down. The plant not only survived but flourished due to implementation of Quality based principles. Suggestions: Implementing QMS(Quality Management System) having corrective actions: This will be required when we encounter problems relating non-conformance of our supplier products. After faced with the problem, we must be able to locate the problem and find its root cause with immediate effect. This is done by (CAPA) corrective action items. The system implemented should be such that it should itself assess the cost of quality and try to initiate the recovery cost process with the supplier. Involving suppliers in quality systems: Suppliers should be encouraged to implement quality systems within their company so that they can easily reach the quality of products required and also save paying the recovering costs. (Metric Stream, 2010)
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