Sunday, March 8, 2020

Augustus Rome essays

Augustus' Rome essays Augustus Rome; modern marvel in ancient times Throughout history the world has seen many a great empire rise and fall. Empires that have spanned the globe and dominated vast tracts of land as well the age in history from which they spawned. Many of these empires were famous for their capitols, crown jewels of the empires where the main power was centered and where the government was housed. Rome in the ancient Roman Empire was perhaps the greatest city of this kind. Perhaps reaching its full bloom under the reign of Octavian better known as Augustus. Under Augustus Rome underwent many changes. Rome was as much a bustling center of commerce and activities as any modern city of today. It was a place of great populous and architecture and commerce. It was a city of power and grandeur led by a man to match its strength. Augustus Rome was a city like no other. It held innumerable people in buildings the likes of which could not be dreamed. It was a city that ran efficiently with modern flair that seemed ahead of its time. Based upon what written records tell us and what we know through archeological study, Rome was a large city. How large is however difficult to say. Put simply most of what was once ancient Rome is buried beneath what is today modern Rome. Therefore it is difficult to know where the boundaries were. Any attempts to estimate the size in square meters of Rome is speculative at best when one considers the two most accurate estimates differ about 2 million square meters. We do however know that there were at least 46, 602 apartment houses and easily 1760 private ones. We do also know that while walls at it had once fortified Rome boundaries the wall became virtually unnecessary when Rome had reached its present size under Augustus it was simply to immense to fear invasion, Hannibal having been the last invader in 211 BC Also within the city existed the Praetorians, an elite group of the finest sol ...

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